Our Protocols
The Wiley Protocol products are available from select doctors and health care providers around the globe, and through select Wiley Registered™ compounding pharmacies. All Wiley Protocol products are individually standardized, compounded with FDA approved pharmaceutical grade ingredients, and tested quarterly using a third-party source to ensure standardization. Each prescription comes in color-coded applicators and matching Mylar envelopes for ease of use. A calendar is included with each prescription for rhythmic dosage scheduling and symptom reporting. Dosing instructions are imprinted directly on the packaging for all Wiley Protocol branded products.
The Wiley Protocol for Women and The Wiley Protocol for Men are designed as dual therapy programs, using both Estrogen and Progesterone for Women, and both Testosterone and DHEA for men.
If you are not dispensed a prescription in the official, trademarked Wiley Protocol packaging as it appears below, or if your Wiley Protocol for Women or Wiley Protocol for Men is not dispensed together as a dual therapy, you can be assured that you are not receiving the authentic Wiley Protocol. We can only make the claim or guarantee of the safety and efficacy of your treatment if it is taken together and dispensed correctly as every Registered Wiley Pharmacy has been trained to do. Should you believe that you have been dispensed a prescription for The Wiley Protocol that is inauthentic or misrepresented by your pharmacy or physician, please

The Wiley Protocol® for Women
Biomimetic Bioidentical Dual Hormone Restoration Therapy: Estradiol and Progesterone Cream
The Wiley Protocol® is a trademarked, patent protected bio-identical dual hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) delivery system consisting of estradiol and progesterone in topical/transdermal cream preparations — dosed to mimic the natural hormones produced by a woman’s body when she was in her prime reproductively.
The Wiley Protocol® is the only multi-phasic rhythmically dosed BHRT available. The creams are administered via color-coded capped syringe applicators. The amounts of hormone vary throughout the 28-day cycle which restores hormones to youthful levels. The Wiley Protocol® for Women is packaged in an evergreen thermal heat and cold resistant envelopes and applicators for estrogen and purple for progesterone.

The Wiley Protocol® for Women XXX
Biomimetic Bioidentical Dual Hormone Restoration Therapy: Estradiol and Progesterone Cream TID
The Wiley Protocol® for Women and its Lunar version have been a resounding success over the last 10 years, bringing relief and hope to many women. During these years of clinical and anecdotal observation, it has become evident that although “one size starts all”—even with the physician’s ability to increase or decrease a patient’s dose to individualize treatment for her specific symptoms and history—we can do even better.
In the spirit of further refinement, a new strength of the Wiley Protocol® for Women has been devised to offer physicians even more control when prescribing: The Wiley Protocol® XXX. The Wiley Protocol® XXX is dosed three times a day for patients whose bodies process their hormones faster or have a less-than-adequate fat base and need that midday dose.
The Wiley Protocol® XXX is The Basic Wiley Protocol® +1, 2, 3, or 4, dosed THREE times a day for women who require 50% more, while maintaining our authentic youthful biologically accurate curve to ensure receptor response. The Wiley Protocol® XXX is packaged in deep green estrogen and dark purple progesterone envelopes and matching colored plunger applicator capped syringes.
Just as with The Basic Wiley Protocol®, this new option for dosing is controlled in small increments, allowing for extremely precise delivery and customization per patient.

The Wiley Protocol® for Men
Biomimetic Bioidentical Dual Hormone Restoration Therapy: DHEA and Testosterone Cream
As men get age, they often notice a decline in their competitive interests, sex drive and overall energy and enthusiasm. Most men experience androgen and testosterone decline beginning around age 28 that often goes unrecognized for at least 15 years. Copious research has shown that restoring androgens and androgen response to optimum seasonal levels can provide significantly improved mood, increased energy and sexual function. Restoring the body’s normal levels of hormones can make a man feel strong, healthy, energized and happy again while protecting his heart, prostate, bones and brain.
The Wiley Protocol® for Men is the first and only dual bioidentical, biomimetic, non-injectable, non-pellet BHRT hormone replacement therapy on the market to date. The doses of DHEA and testosterone vary throughout a 28-day cycle in sync with their sexual partner and change seasonally to mimic the amounts of hormone that naturally fluctuate in a man in his reproductive prime. The Wiley Protocol® for Men is provided in color-coded light blue and burgundy envelopes with matching capped syringe applicators.

The Wiley Protocol® Testosterone for Women
Biomimetic Bioidentical Rhythmic Testosterone Replacement Cream
As a woman ages, her libido and desire for sex often diminishes. Testosterone plays a key role in libido, energy, and immune function in women. The vast majority of testosterone is produced by the ovaries. Therefore; testosterone, too, has a rhythm that fluctuates over the course of the 28-day menstrual cycle. Testosterone levels are highest for a young woman on Days 13, 14 and 15. By the time they approach and enter menopause, they have been experiencing diminishing ovarian testosterone for a decade or more. The replacement of estrogen and progesterone, alone, may not correct loss of muscle tone, absent sex drive, or general lack of mental function.
The Wiley Protocol® Testosterone transdermal/topical cream for women is rhythmic, accurately biomimetic and is designed to replicate feminine testosterone hormone rhythms that compliment Estrogen and Progesterone. All other testosterone prescribed for women, on the market – to date, is simply taken from the same template used for men. The Wiley Protocol® Testosterone for Women is provided in bright orange envelopes and matching capped transdermal syringe applicators.

The Wiley Protocol® Thyroid
Biomimetic Bioidentical Thyroid Hormone Restoration Cream
If you require thyroid support, you may now choose rhythmic dosing using The Wiley Protocol® Thyroid. Wiley believes that the traditional static dosing of thyroid formulas may interfere with the rhythms of The original Wiley Protocol®. The Wiley Protocol® Thyroid is the only Biomimetic Bioidentical transdermal thyroid therapy on the market today. It mimics your body’s natural circadian and circannual rhythms.
Instead of taking a static dose of thyroid in pill form that is metabolized in the liver, The Wiley Protocol® Thyroid uses the rhythms of nature to mimic the secretion of thyroid hormone as it occurs in a healthy young body, supporting the physiologically accurate original Wiley Protocol® with the complimentary Thyroid Restoration. The Wiley Protocol® Thyroid is packaged in red capped applicator syringes and matching envelopes with dosing instructions on the back.

The Wiley Protocol® SPARC
Seasonal Pulsatile Adrenal ReCalibration: Proprietary Bioidentical Biomimetic Cortisol Therapy
Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland in response to the pituitary call of ACTH. Normal stress and aging deteriorate the 4 times-a-day pulse from brain to adrenals. Reestablishing this wave function enhances sleep at night and day-light hours, which provides energy and clarity, as well as, addressing joint pain and anxiety and all immune function.
The Wiley Protocol SPARC™ comes as yellow compounded WP capsules containing the Wiley Protocol® proprietary bioidentical Cortisol replacement with a daily dosing schedule that changes seasonally, too, corresponding with sun light cycles.

The Wiley Protocol® SNOOZ
Seasonal Neuroendocrine Optimal Organizational Zeitgeber: Proprietary Bioidentical Biomimetic Melatonin Therapy
Insomnia, or the inability to sleep, is the most common sleep disorder affecting between 6 to 12 percent of adults. It’s also the very first symptom of menopause.
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the pineal gland that regulates the circadian rhythms of all biological functions in the body. Melatonin is secreted at night or in the dark regulating the sleeping cycle. Melatonin has been shown to not only improve sleep and solve insomnia which relieves stress and anxiety. Melatonin interacts with estrogen and cortisol, as well as, progesterone.
The Wiley Protocol SNOOZ™ is rhythmically dosed based on a circannual (changing with the seasons) dosing schedule and is packaged in black moon and stars color-coded envelopes and matching capped syringe applicators.

The Wiley Protocol® For Your Face
Lipo-Regenerative Cream
Remember the full face of youth? That plump fullness meant smooth, glowing skin that reflected the light and was velvety to the touch. What if you could rebuild beauty from the inside-out? The Wiley Protocol for Your Face™ is a topical crème that can provide this option by replenishing the fat base just below the skin, helping to plump up and smooth the crepe-y fine lines that make us look old.
As you age, you lose collagen in lock-step with diminishing levels of estrogen. Dermatologists have long noted that systemic hormone therapy improves the appearance of aging skin all by itself. Studies have shown that estrogen, when applied in a cream, can penetrate the skin because of its small molecular size. Estrogen is documented to increase the production of collagen, reviving skin thickness and resiliency, and elasticity. This cream is non-greasy and absorbs quickly.
The Wiley Protocol® for Your Face™ is available from select doctors and Wiley Protocol® Registered Pharmacies™.
All of the Wiley Protocols® are individually standardized for methods, materials, pricing and packaging, and are compounded with FDA approved pharmaceutical grade ingredients. Each prescription comes in color-coded applicators and Mylar envelopes with corresponding directions for ease of use. A personal calendar is used for a rhythmic dosage scheduling. Dosing instructions are provided on the packaging of all Wiley Protocols.
If you are not dispensed a prescription in the official, trademarked Wiley Protocol® packaging as it appears below, or if your Wiley Protocol® for Women or Wiley Protocol® for Men is not dispensed together as a dual therapy, you can be assured that you are not receiving the authentic Wiley Protocol®. We can only make the claim or guarantee of the safety and efficacy of your treatment if it is taken together and dispensed correctly as every Registered Wiley Pharmacy has been trained to do. Should you believe that you have been dispensed a prescription for The Wiley Protocol® that is inauthentic or misrepresented by your pharmacy or physician, please
The Wiley Protocol® for Women and The Wiley Protocol® for Men are designed as dual therapy programs, using both Estrogen and Progesterone for Women, and both Testosterone and DHEA for men.